Tuesday, 3 April 2018



- Doctors Political Enlightenment Program -

To All Medical and Dental Practitioners In Nigeria

In about a month from this date, the Nigerian Medical Association would be changing the baton of leadership at the National level - which means that a new set of National Officers Committee shall be elected.

And the election shall take place in Abuja at the 58th Annual Delegates Meeting of the Association being hosted by the FCT Abuja Branch of the Nigerian Medical Association.

In order to raise the level of discourse in this year's election and to create a platform for further discussions on the NMA Project and to deepen the practice of genuine and real democracy in the NMA, the Management of Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria has decided to introduce this program - NMA Decides 2018.

It is a political enlightenment program targeted at  Medical and Dental Practitioners in Nigeria so as to engage the aspirants to the various posts in the Association in order to ascertain their level of understanding of the burden in the Association, the duties and  responsibilities of their Offices and their capability of actively engaging with the membership of the Association as events unfold.

All Aspirants to the National Offices who WISH to participate in the program shall be free to do so and shall be ready to take on questions from Nigerian Medical and Dental Practitioners as they raise them.

Studio Health Live - a property of Topitup Media And Communication Nigeria - is the Platform on which the program shall be hosted.

Each session shall be either audio or video or both and shall be aired via youtube, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram and linkedin with the hashtag - #NMADecides2018

Each aspirant shall be entitled to at least ONE SESSION lasting ONE HOUR

However, aspirants into the Offices of President and Secretary General may have more than one session depending on time availability.

We are also looking forward to organizing an online DEBATE for the Aspirants into the Offices of President and Secretary General

Questions shall be pooled from the body of Medical and Dental Practitioners individually and collectively (where feasible)

The program is expected to kick off on the 9th April 2018

We invite you all to participate

Topitup Media And Communication Nigeria


1.      Topitup Media and Communication is a wholly Nigerian Owned Company based in Abuja and is under the watch of Sir, Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP (A Past National President of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria and also a Past Chairman of the Nigerian Medical Association, FCT Abuja Branch)

2.      The Healthcare Department of Topitup Media and Communication Nigeria is into such services as Organization of Medical Conferences, Exhibitions, Training, Seminars/Workshops, Advocacy (social and political)
Surveys in the Health Care Sector, Promotion of health care products in health facilities

3.      Participating in the NMA Decides 2018 Program is essentially FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL ASPIRANTS.

Thank you for your attention.


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