Saturday, 5 May 2018

Meet Your Newly Elected NMA National Officers

After weeks of crisscrossing the Country, traveling to the 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, campaigning online and offline, holding discussions with Doctors in their various Specialties and Affiliates, the Candidates who put themselves forward for election into the various Offices in the NMA at the National Level finally took a break yester-evening to allow the delegates to the 58th Annual Delegates Meeting of the NMA to either give them a nod of "Yes go on" or "No, just hold on a little while" and the elections were held and "the chosen" and "the not chosen for now" have been made public.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Hippocratic Profession, here are your new National Officers for the 2018 - 2020 Service Tenure

1.      President - Dr. Faduyile  Adedayo Francis.

2.      VP 1. - Dr. Tijo Kenneth Mengeh.

3.      VP 2 - Dr. Ofem Egbe Enang.

4.      Secretary General - Dr. Odusote Muyiwa.

5.      Deputy Secretary General - Dr. Benjamin Umezurike

6.      Treasurer - Dr. Ayuwaja  Nayagawa

7.      Fin. Sec. - Dr.  Abdulgafar Jimoh

8.      Publicity Secretary - Dr. Obimakinde Obitade Sunday.

We congratulate the newly elected National Officers of the Nigerian Medical Association and also congratulate all those who participated in the campaigns and the elections.

We would like to drop a free and unsolicited for piece of advice to the newly elected NOC, especially the President and Secretary General to reach out to the other Contestants with a view to harnessing the good points and programs they have in their manifestoes, since winning and losing are all about service to the body of Medical and Dental Practitioners in Nigeria and the Diaspora.

Let there be PEACE in the NMA

God Bless the NMA
God Bless the Federal Republic Of Nigeria

Courtesy:     Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria


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